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Photography – a Passion

Good Photos are the Salt in the Soup

Photos serve various purposes. They serve to illustrate a topic, they support explanations, visualize details or processes that would not be adequately described with text. They are decoration, eye-catchers, present feelings or moods. Many people remember a photo rather than words. Can be used anywhere, in print, online media and presentation screens.

Photos show us work processes, capture special moments, influence our mood. Present your team at work, your product in the best light or illustrate your training content on your website.

You need an atmospheric mood photo, a landscape, architecture, a photo of your event or a still life.

I have an extensive Picture-archive or create a photo for you.
I will find the right studio photographer for you for special tasks.

Outside and Inside


  • Are you an architect or a real estate agent? Present your property to your customer.

  • Or tour operator? Show the hotel at its best. The landscapes and sights in the most beautiful light.

  • Even as a training organizer, your customers benefit from pictures of the premises, because they feel at home more quickly and can work better and more concentrated.

  • As a publisher or local authority, you would like to make a publication about a city, a building or a country.

Do not hesitate to contact me.

Everyone is Welcome

Go wild

All Creatures - great and small

Animal photography with feeling

  • Portraits of your dog or cat?
  • Moodphotos with an animalic background?

Feel free to contact me.

Everyone is Welcome

Perhaps you will find a matching photo in my extensive archive for your project.

Over the years I collected lots of pictures which might be just right for your project. The photos are more individual than those of the stock photo companies. I have got a wide range of themes just as travel, mood or nature photos.

Please contact me to talk about the possible image rights.

Everyone is Welcome

Special 3


Do you have an event, birthday, anniversary, concert or exhibition? You don't have time to take photos yourself, since you are the main character of the evening or have to take care of other things.

Please book me to take photos the highlights of the event so that you have a lasting memory. I would also be happy to design a photo book for the occasion.

Prices by arrangement.

Nigel Henry
Dagmar Schmidt
Construction Tour


Construction Tour
Marokkoshop Köln Teezeremonie


Marokkoshop Köln Teezeremonie
Marokkoshop Köln Tee-Zeremonie
Burkhard Hedtmann


Blue Autumn
Blue Autumn





Special 4

Photo-Walks for Kids

Has your child got its first camera or just discovered the photo-app of its mobile?

girl with camera

Maybe it would be an idea for a birthday with like-minded children.
We can to go on a photo tour and discover worthwhile motifs. Photography tips increase fun and image results.
Small thematic tasks (photo challenges) can be an exciting adventure.
This way your child will enjoy a rewarding hobby forever.

It would be good for an adult to go with me, because if I focus on motifs, explanations and cameras, I cannot also ensure security.
So we can all have fun together.
Finally, you could make a photo book of the results as a souvenir.
Prices individually after arrangement.

Please contact me for questions and planning.

Online Exhibition

Project C19

In this series of photos I present pictures, not primarily from an artistic point of view. My intention is more documenting an unusual situation.
Pictures that appear at the edge of your sight while walking through your city.
Images that have been subconsciously perceived.
Signs and objects, strange and unfamiliar at our first sight.
Will we forget them one day?
To be continued….

more on my photo-website

Everyone is Welcome

Copyright: CEUS Design & Communication 2020